主癥 肢體關(guān)節(jié)酸痛,游走不定,上下左右走竄疼痛,以腕、肘、膝、踝等處為甚,關(guān)節(jié)運(yùn)動(dòng)不利,或見惡寒發(fā)熱,舌苔薄膩,脈多浮緊或浮緩。
Main Manifestations Wandering pain in the joints, especially the wrists, elbows, knees and ankles, limitation of movement chills and fever, thin and sticky tongue coating, superficial and tight or superficial and slow pulse.
主癥 遍身或局部關(guān)節(jié)疼痛劇烈,痛有定處,得熱則減,遇寒則甚,局部不紅不熱,舌苔薄白,脈浮緊。
Main Manifestations Severe pain in all of the body or in the joints, alleviated by warmth and aggravated by cold, with fixed localization, but no local redness and hotness, thin and while tongue coating, string -tout and tense pulse. |
主癥 肌膚麻木不仁,肢體關(guān)節(jié)酸痛,沉重,痛有定處,遇陰雨天則加重,苔白膩,脈濡緩。
Main Manifestations Numbness and heavy sensation of the limbs, soreness and fixed pain of the joints, aggravated on cloudy and rainy days, while and sticky coating and soft pulese. |
主癥 關(guān)節(jié)疼痛,痛不可觸,痛處灼熱紅腫,活動(dòng)受限,可涉及一個(gè)或多個(gè)關(guān)節(jié),兼有發(fā)熱,口渴,苔黃,脈滑數(shù)。
Main Manifestations Arthragra involving one or several joints, local redness, swelling and excruciating pain with limitation of morement, accompanied by fever and thirst, yellow tongue coating rolling and rapid pulse. |
治法 及局部取穴,循經(jīng)取穴和按病證取穴為主,輔以阿是穴。行痹、熱痹用毫針刺,瀉法淺刺,亦可用皮膚針叩刺;痛痹深刺留針,多灸,或溫針灸;著痹針灸并施,并配以拔火罐法。
Treatment The selection of the local points along the meridians is applied and points according to the syndrome are mainly selected, Ashi points are used together. Filiform needles are used for wandering Bi and heat Bi syndromes, reducing manipulation with shallow method. Subcutaneous needles may also be applied. For painful Bi, it needs prolonged retaining of the needles. It is better to use moxibustion of warm needles. Fixed Bi may also be treated by combined acupuncture and moxibistion, or together with cupping.醫(yī)學(xué)全在線網(wǎng)站www.med126.com
處方 肩部:肩髃 肩髎 ?俞
Prescription Pain in the scapula: Jianyu(LI 15), Jianliao(TE 14), Naoshu(SI 10). | |||
隨證配穴 行痹加膈俞、血海、三陰交;
Additional Points Wandering Bi: Geshu (BL 17), Xuehai(SP 10), Sanyinjiao(SP 6). |