中華支睪吸蟲 Clonorchis sinensis,簡稱華支睪吸蟲,又名肝吸蟲。成蟲寄生于肝膽管,引起華支睪吸蟲病(clonorchiasis),即肝吸蟲病。人感染本蟲多是生吃或半生吃魚肉所致。在我國,除了青海、寧夏、新疆、內(nèi)蒙古和西藏等省區(qū)外,已有24個省、市和自治區(qū)有本病流行。
1. 成蟲 睪丸分枝狀,前后排列。
肝吸蟲成蟲 |
成蟲病理切片 |
Clonorchis sinensis.
Whole mount showing various internal structures. Note that the two testes at the posterior end are dendritic. The caeca are unbranched. ×5. Enlarged by 5.4.
Clonorchis sinensis.
The uterus seen in polarized light. The eggs show birefringences while the background remains dark. ×5.Enlarged by 5.4
Testes of Clonorchis sinensis are deeply branched or fimbriated and lie in a tandem. The unbranched caeca can be seen on the sides. ×100. Enlarged by 5.4.
2. 蟲卵 最小的蠕蟲卵,瓜子形,內(nèi)含毛蚴。
Clonorchis sinensis eggs in faeces.
The eggs have a distinct operculum and contain a miracidium. ×100. Interference contrast. Enlarged by 5.4
Clonorchis sinensis eggs in faeces at a higher magnification (×400). The operculum. miracidium and the posterior knob can be seen. Interference contrast. Enlarged by5.4
1. 人因食入含囊蚴的魚肉而感染
2. 成蟲寄生于人或動物的膽管內(nèi)