From the Picture above,we can see an oil lamp lighting against the dark background and the lamp is designed to be a smile face.At top of the picture, a sentence stands there strongly intrigue me,which can be briefly intrepeted by this way:Love is the lamp of light.The more darker the background is,the more brightness the lamp will show.It is not difficult for us to infer that what the cartoonist intends to convey us is extremely obvious:love can warm people`s heart.
With the implementation of the China`s reform and opening up,our material circumstances have enormously enhanced.However,some benign virtures which were shared by people for thousand of years are not forgotten.Such as helping people who are in the vicious situation,endow money to the childrens who can not go to school just owing to lacking of tuition and some things to that effect.It is widely accepted by many people that although they are not acquainted at all,they can help with each other.They reckon that even a small contribution will inspire people in the bad situation to cheer up.Now our country is preparing for establishing the harmonious socity which entails people take the initiative in contributing to the society.From this,the final goal is in the not distance future.
For my opinion,the socity which people treated with each other friendly and do a favor for one in the vicious situation will be a good place to live.We should prepare for extending our hand to people who are in need and we should believe if we are in the same scenario,they will do accordingly.